#witchy's ama
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roll-for-dexterity · 4 months ago
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A few Artfight refrences I've assembled over time. While yes I have already made Helix's refrence page- but I can't help but give the baby boy more love!
However, here you all can see some new characters who have gotten their final designs in order- including Shroobie!
As for the first two: Ama and Telos- are my new Stardoll OC, but why I say that as singular and not plural is for lore reasons we will explore later. I was working on their refrence pages during @nintendonut1 's art stream earlier- and yet still am trying to sort their character lore out far more...
Perhaps later I can sort it out. But not tonight for sure! Their refrence pages will be coming in time, so you will all get to see more of these guys soon!
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jynstandor · 3 months ago
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day four- amas veritas
Jyn's a young witch who's just trying to keep her head down. But when Orson Krennic returns to town years after he allegedly killed her father, she can't help feeling like this is her chance to get some payback.
What's supposed to be a harmless hex quickly turns deadly, and Jyn must now make sure no one ever finds out what she did or risk going to prison. But the pull she feels towards Cassian Andor, the private investigator the Krennics have hired complicates matters, and it doesn't help that she's sworn off love years ago due to a nasty love curse that sits upon her family. On top of it all, Krennic's ghost might be haunting her...
This Halloween is shaping up to be the worst one Jyn's ever had.
Our darling sissi finally completed a story! Round of applause 👏 But seriously this is the perfect little witchy comfort read. Private investigator Cassian looking into the mysterious death of or son krennic… which witch Jyn just so happened to cause. Queue mischief. I know this is based on practical magic which I haven’t seen *ducks* but I’m all for an autumnal spooky paranormal. Could’ve used more Kyber tho :/
Check it out here!
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breelandwalker · 2 years ago
Pink Moon - April 6 2023
Prepare for the blooming season and make sure you take those allergy meds - it's time for the Pink Moon!
Pink Moon
Named for the appearance of spring flowers, in particular the early springtide ground phlox, the Pink Moon often coincides with the first bloom of the season, with trees and fields in flower and a profusion of color returning to the world after the long bleak greyness of winter. Despite the name, the moon itself does not turn pink to match.
The April full moon is also sometimes known as the Paschal Moon, being the first full moon after the spring equinox. The Christian Easter holiday, which has a floating date, occurs on the first Sunday after the Paschal Moon. Alternate European names for the Pink Moon include Egg Moon and Budding Moon, and some modern pagan traditions call it the Awakening Moon. Indigenous names for this moon include Breaking Ice Moon (Algonquin), Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs (Tlingit), Moon When The Ducks Come Back (Lakota), Planting Moon (Tunica), and Frog Moon (Cree).
Farmer's Proverb: A full Moon in April brings frost. If the full Moon rises pale, expect rain.
What Does It Mean For Witches?
The Pink Moon is a time for reconnecting with yourself and the world around you. The world is giving a good yawn and stretch after a long winter's sleep and so can we! Get outside if you can and get some fresh air. Explore your area, especially if there's something or someplace new you've been meaning to try. Revisit old haunts and discover what's changed since the last time you were out and about.
Take a moment to assess your current goals and mark your progress. Celebrate your growth and learn from your setbacks. Assess your boundaries as well. Are you making enough time for yourself? Are you letting things or tasks or people intrude where they shouldn't? Is there anywhere that you should be standing firm but aren't? Balance dedication to your work with playtime and relaxation. Remember that you are not required to set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Take time to care for your own needs and address those "I'm Sure It's Nothing" health concerns you've been putting off.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
By the time the Pink Moon comes around, there's either one more cold spell working its' way through or the first true warmth of spring beginning to appear. If the temperatures are rising to sunny pleasantry in your area, it's the perfect time to start planting your garden.
Whether you have a few pots on a patio or a fully-planned plot or just some well-beloved houseplants, get your fingers into the dirt and transfer those seeds and sprouts to a nice fertile home. You can work various kinds of magic as you do, for growth, fertility, prosperity, tenacity, resilience, protection, whatever seems needful. If you grow your own plants for your magical practice, you can also bless them for their intended purposes. If you don't garden (and not all of us do), you can grab your field guide and pruning scissors and go foraging.
For a fun and easy full-moon spell, set out some gallon jugs of potable water to make Pink Moon Water. This will be excellent for watering your garden...and yourself! (Rainwater isn't safe to drink these days, and water collected from wild sources is dicey even if you boil it, but drinking water works just fine.) You can also cast spells for creativity, change, fertility, happiness, adaptability, and growth. Use whatever methods resonate with you and remember that the most important component of any spell is the witch who casts it.
The earth is blooming, so let's bloom with it!
Happy Pink Moon, witches! 🌕🌸
Further Reading:
Pink Moon: The Fascinating Full Moon of April 2023, The Peculiar Brunette
Pink Moon: Full Moon for April 2023, The Old Farmer's Almanac
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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ultravioletqueen · 1 year ago
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I love the vampair series by Daria Cohen and the whole story in general (Duke and Missi are my favorite duo so far), as I have little resistance to temptation, I made Artemis (the vampire who bit Duke) a blind human boyfriend😅 like this let me introduce you to evangelos gerbacio lopez or simply evan!
Evan met Artemis when he lost his guide dog and Artemis didn't have the heart to kill him because he thought that Evan with his blindness was at a huge disadvantage other and seeing that he was really blind he wouldn't know they were vampires unless someone told him, so he saw no need to kill him, he was harmless and he wouldn't know the truth.
They had many more encounters like this (the dog became his matchmaker/cupid), at first Artemis was irritated with Evan's presence but over time he got used to his company and they both came to connect quite a bit (obviously Evan without knowing about the truth about Artemis), this feeling of friendship was evolved into romantic love and I would say that they are currently a couple, Artemis looks for the right moment to tell Evan that he is a vampire but either they always interrupt him or he regrets it at the last minute.
Evan's personality is someone who is kind, polite, gentle and follows the motto of "treat others as you would like them to treat you", despite his calm and peaceful attitude he does not hesitate to put others in their place if he feel they are being too rude. He is an animal lover and former church boy (currently he is an agnostic atheist), he loves reading (books in Braile or audiobooks) books by Edgar Allan Poe, Tillie Cole and Stephen King, he is a lover of literature and wants to be horror and mystery writer, he also knows how to play the piano and the church organ.
I will give more lore about Evan and his entire story apart from Artemis, I will try to give more information about him and other characters I have from the vampair series.
I was inspired by the writings and theories of @little-witchys-garden to do all this, I really love when they talk about the vampair series and this is no exception.
I hope you like it!
Amo the vampair series de daria cohen y toda la historia en general(duke y missi son mi duo favorito hasta ahora),como tengo poca resistencia a la tentación le hice a artemis(el vampiro que mordió a duke) un novio humano ciego😅 así que déjenme presentarles a evangelos gerbacio lopez ¡o simplemente evan!
Evan conoció a artemis cuando perdió su perro guia y artemis no tuvo el corazón para matarlo porque pensó que Evan con su ceguera estaba en una situación de desventaja enorme aparte de que al ver que realmente era ciego no sabría que eran vampiros a no ser que alguien se lo dijera , por lo que no vio necesidad de matarlo,era inofensivo y no sabría la verdad.
Tuvieron muchos más encuentros así(el perro se hizo su casamentero/cupido),en un inicio artemis estaba irritado con la presencia de evan pero con el tiempo se acostumbro a su compañía y ambos llegaron a conectar bastante(obviamente Evan sin saber de la verdad de artemis),este sentimiento de amistad fue evolucionado a amor romántico y diría que en la actualidad son pareja,artemis busca el momento correcto para decirle a evan que es un vampiro pero o siempre le interrumpen o se arrepiente en al último minuto.
La personalidad de evan es de alguien amable,educado,gentil y que sigue el lema de "trata a los otros como te gustaría que te traten a ti",pese a su actitud tranquila y pacífica el no duda en poner a los demás en su lugar si siente que se están pasando de groseros. Es un amante de los animales y antiguo chico de iglesia(en la actualidad es ateo agnóstico), ama leer (libros en braile o audiolibros) libros de edgar allan poe, tillie cole y stephen king,es un amante de la literatura y desea ser escritor de terror y misterio,tambien sabe como tocar el piano y el órgano de iglesia.
daré más lore sobre evan y toda su historia aparte de artemis,trataré de dar más información sobre el y otros personajes que tengo de the vampair series.
Me inspire con los escritos y teorías de @little-witchys-garden para hacer todo esto,realmente amo cuando hablan de the vampair series y esta no es la excepción.
¡Espero guste!
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amerwitchmagics · 1 year ago
Cards of the Day:  Full Moon
Cards of the Day:  Full Moon. Let me throw the cards on this witchy day and see what I can learn from them. What I need to prevent for the next full moon:  Amas Veritas.  Less planning and more by the moment.  What I need to learn before the next full moon:  Rosemary.  I need to some self-healing.  I need to just work on myself.  What blessings is the moon giving me?  Climbing Rosebush.  She…
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abruxaeseugrimorio · 2 years ago
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Estamos cada vez mais próximos do #Sabbath de #Mabon e uma das maneiras de celebrar este festival é compartilhado o alimento com aqueles que você ama. Há várias receitas que podem ser preparadas em Mabon, utilize frutas, grãos e demais ingredientes que simbolizam o festival e se delicie. Separe uma oferenda daquilo que você for preparar para a Deusa e o Deusa, agradeça pela fartura deste momento. Como você pretende celebrar Mabon? #witchy #bruxarianatural #bruxariaurbana #bruxas #bruxasmodernas #bruxasbrasileiras #bruxanatural #bruxanacozinha #bruxariabrasil #bruxariasolitaria (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6MSeILYWk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dearreader · 1 year ago
9, 29 & 30 for the Taylor asks!!
9. top three award show performances
taylor live at the amas 2019
taylor swift playing all too well live at the 56th grammys
taylor swift performing mean in 2012 (my first award show watching her)
29. top three style eras
red era
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reputation era
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this current era (the witchy evermore/midnights vibes)
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i already did 30!
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witchygirl99 · 4 years ago
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So, I'm gonna do a thing 🥺👉👈
Believe it or not (I don't), next month will mark 16 years of posting stories in the Inuyasha fandom. Which feels like. A lot.
And so, on September 26th, I will do an AMA. About...anything really. My fics, my WIPs, my Canadian ways, my controversial feelings on peanut butter, all the fandoms I love, etc.
Feel free to send in asks - I'll save them for the day of (anything clearly not for this I'll answer right away).
Thanks lovelies ❤️
(Shoutout to @neutronstarchild for this amazing banner, I adore you!)
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geeky-politics-46 · 3 years ago
Alright here it is! Here is little preview snippet as well as the Spotify playlist link & the mood board for my story
Amas Veritas - True Love
As the introductions continued Y/N began to notice an energetic tug pulling at her heart. While still keeping conversation with the smiling people around her, she found her gaze drifting to find the source of the energy. Her curiosity growing as she scanned the room.
Her eyes fell on a dark haired man standing several feet behind the others, hands in his pockets chin dipped slightly downward trying to make his large strong frame sink into the background & go unnoticed. Although it was hard to imagine a man as striking as him managing to go unnoticed anywhere. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes you had ever seen, they were almost hypnotizing, but they betrayed so much about him. In a single look you could tell he had led a life full of so much sadness but clinging to shreds of hope, anything he could find to keep his head above water. More than that his eyes held a need you were far to familiar with, a want that had always burned deep in your chest. The need to belong, the need to be wanted.
His breathing hitched as he noticed your eyes on his, & he quickly dropped his head down breaking eye contact when your offered him a soft smile of acknowledgement. This man intrigued you more than any of the other literal superheroes around you. Something you had never felt before, stronger than anything you had ever felt before, was pulling you towards him. Something that both excited you & frightened you.
Most of the team was talking over each other at this point. Tony & Bruce were explaining all the fancy tech installed in the tower that was now at your disposal. Wanda & Nat were debating where your room should be & already planning girls nights. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to that. Sam & Clint were excitedly talking about how cool training with you was gonna be. Thor & Loki were just bickering about something in general. Even if one of them was adopted god they were true siblings to a tee. Strange was just standing next to you with his head tipped towards the ceiling, looking bored & slightly annoyed.
The only one who’s attention was still directed towards you was Steve. He just chuckled & shook his head as he crossed his ams over his chest. “I’m very sorry to say that it’s like this a lot. Hard to believe we manage to save the world on a semi-regular basis.”
Steve suddenly stood silent when he noticed you looking past Sam & himself. He turned to follow your line of sight. His smile turning up a watt & one eyebrow arching upward when his eyes landed on his best friend. He could automatically tell by his posture that he was taken by you. He promptly reached behind the man’s back placing a firm hand between his shoulder blades & practically shoving him forward to the front of the cluster.
I’m hoping to have the first chapter out in it’s entirety this week. Until then please feel free to reblog this. I’ve never done tis much planning for a piece & am really excited to see how it goes. Love & Light! ❤️
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crystalstarseed · 3 years ago
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~ my altars, just in time for yule ~
top left photo: say hello to karronos (howlite) and sapphos (lepidolite), my two crystal skulls. this is my dream altat next to my bed with my dream journal & the 12,000 dreams interpreted book compiled by gustavus hindman miller
top right photo: this is ellie the elephant. she & her mom sit to the right of my entrances to my house. my elephant figures bringing in good luck, fortune, and abundance with gifts i leave inside the top of their heads. i dunno if i consider them “altars”, but i do feel blessed by goddess lakshmi every time i see them when i come home
last photo: my hella-large main altar where i do most of my workings. bonus! its a spinny table. excuse the mess, im still decorating for the yuletide season. i have two offering plates set aside for my matron & patron deities on here as well, although i have separate altars for them in the works. the mirror box also contains a shit ton of crystals, next to it on the left is my poppet doll along with a silver chalice that holds some of my crystal wands, and to the right is some moon water and herbs. i got some reading material and runes to the left & the right has most of my tarot/oracle decks. in the middle is some festive oracle cards for yule & this adorable earth pendant i got from a friend @oh.mg.art on insta. i also got an ethically-sourced deer skull gifted to me, decked out with my flower crowns in the bottom right hand corner. he doesn’t have a name yet, but he likes to chill next to me while i meditate & practice spellcraft
... i wish i would have taken a pic of my samhain altar when it was littered with pumpkins. oh, i loved it so much. anyways ~ share ur altars with me if u like! i know some don’t feel comfortable sharing something so personal, but i respect ur wishes. happy holidays everyone!
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aleximustd13 · 4 years ago
Fans: *simping over Damiano*
Damiano him-fucking-self to all of us:
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a-green-witch · 4 years ago
Happy 6th anniversary to a-green-witch!
I'll be honest - I haven't checked this blog in who knows how long. I got the notification of the anniversary, and figured I'd see how it was doing. Imagine my shock when I saw that not only is there still activity, but I'm up to 20k subscribers! The support I've received from the Witchblr community over the years has been monumental, and I think that it's time for me to come back!
So, in honor of my 6th anniversary, flood my inbox! Any questions, comments, or anything else you might have to say, I want to hear! ❤️
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andromeda-sapphire · 5 years ago
🧼 how do you cleanse your space?
Personally, I prefer to do a nice smoke cleansing with a blend of rosemary and eucalyptus. I wave the smoke around my body, my space, and whatever tools I’m using and I visualize them surrounded by pure white light.
🧼 How do you all like to cleanse your space?? 🧼
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zadr-obsessed · 4 years ago
peach <3
You and everyone else who were foolish enough to follow me are officially trapped! You are not allowed to escape and must suffer your eternal torture of seeing my rbs and bad art. Ily 😘
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sarafinequeenwitch · 6 years ago
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Lena Sarafine’s WhatsApp Part 1
Los adultos
Feat: @queensnyder @deewanidolunay Mamá, papá, @wxrriorviking @gangiheritokuni
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cosmictarotwitch · 6 years ago
21 Questions Tag!
I was tagged by @urban-witch-tales and @small-sun-witch thanks loves 💕
Nickname: Mills, Milbert, Mouse
Zodiac: Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Sag Rising
Height: 5”7
Last movie I saw: Beautiful Creatures, what a guilty pleasure 😂
Last thing I Googled: 172cm in feet and inches wow
Favourite musician: Florence Welch or the Alt-J lads
Song stuck in my head: Longshot by Catfish and the Bottlemen
Other blogs: Nah
Do I get asks? Sometimes! I love it when I do 🤩
Blogs following? Like 700 odd?
Lucky number: 17
What I’m wearing right now: A maroon top under a black jumpsuit, dark green chunk cardigan and black boots embossed with flowers- I just got home from work lol
Dream job: either theatre management (what I do now, I’m so lucky) or something more creative, selling wares in a stall at markets
Dream trip: I was recently lucky enough to go to beer Europe (northern France, Germany, Austria & the Netherlands) so I’d love to go to wine Europe (Italy, Portugal, southern France, Greece, Malta etc.) 😂 I also want to spend like a month walking through the English countryside 😍
Favourite food? Raspberry cheesecake
Play any instruments? Guitar, very averagely
Random fact: I’m Australian and living in Australia, but I’m also half Kiwi 🇳🇿
Describe your aesthetic: Modern, urban pixie with an office job
Who shall I tag: Ahh anyone keen? I don’t know many people on here- introduce yourselves and tag me I wanna make friends!
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